Pests and infestations

Pests being in and around your home can be a nuisance and, at times, a health and safety issue. We want to work with you to make sure your home is free of infestations.

a green badge which reads 'safe homes, safe places'

What will we do

We want to make sure your home is safe and healthy. This means that we will get rid of pests such as rats or mice that could be affecting your health. We will also repair any holes or cracks that pests are using to get into your home.

What you must do

It is your responsibility to keep your home clean and tidy so that it does not attract pests. You must also dispose of rubbish correctly and let us know if you have any gaps or cracks in your wall or floor.

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How to report an infestation

If you have an infestation in your home that you believe you are not responsible for, or believe there is a pest problem in a communal area, it’s really important that you let us know. We can work with you to tackle the issue and arrange for pest controllers to visit.


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What can I do to prevent infestations?
No one wants uninvited guests so prevention is always best. You can keep them at bay by keeping bin lids shut, putting rubbish away correctly, storing food in sealed containers and keeping your home clean and tidy. More advice is available here.
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Is whg responsible for getting rid of pests?
Responsibility for removing pests from your home and preventing infestations is shared between yourselves and us. If the infestation is due to conditions in your home, such as rubbish or uncleanliness, it is your responsibility to deal with the pests. Where we do not believe the customer is responsible for the infestation, for example, if a pest has entered the home through a gap or crack in the wall or floor, we will arrange pest control and any repair required. We also contact the customer following the works to make sure there has been no further infestation.
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Will whg pay for pest control?
Where we do not believe the customer is responsible for the infestation, for example, if a pest has entered the home through a gap or crack in the wall or floor, we will arrange and pay for pest control.  Where the customer is responsible, but we need to carry out pest control works due to the impact on our property, this is arranged and recharged to the customer.
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Will whg get rid of rats or mice?
If you have rats or mice in your home that you believe you are not responsible for, it’s really important you give us a ring so we can carry out necessary pest control works. You should also ring us if you spot rats or mice in your communal areas.