New employment hub unveiled in Walsall

  • 26th February 2024

  • Customers

A new drop-in jobs and training hub has opened in the centre of Walsall, offering support and advice on employment, housing, benefits and other services.

The Link was developed and delivered through a partnership between Walsall College, whg, The Job Centre (DWP) and other partners to help local people secure employment.

Residents can receive free and tailored support, including careers advice, training courses, skills workshops and help with writing their CV.

Connie Jennings, Director of Stronger Communities at whg, said: “We have a long track record of working in partnership with Walsall College, and we’re delighted to work with them as they open The Link.”

“We were really pleased to see this important facility open and recognise the important opportunities it will give our customers to gain the skills and qualifications they require in order to get good jobs.”

Jatinder Sharma, Principal and Chief Executive at Walsall College, the lead partner, said: “Employment rates in Walsall are still below those of the wider West Midlands. The Link will provide guidance and support to enable residents, regardless of their current employment or training status, to take the necessary steps towards improving their employment options.

“We believe that by taking a partnership approach whereby a wide range of support and guidance is available in a single location, we’ll encourage users who are unsure of the options open to them to take that vital first step to a successful future.”

West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) provided £200,000 funding towards The Link, to support its new Employment & Skills Strategy.

Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street, said: ““Giving local people the skills they need to get into work or secure a better job is a key priority for our region as we strive to grow an economy that offers everyone the opportunity to secure a worthwhile job.

“By working together through the strategy and with the support of initiatives like The Link we can raise skill levels to further improve the lives of local people and the prospects of our businesses across the whole West Midlands.”

To find out more about how The Link can support you, please visit its website.


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