Affordable homes planned for Walsall office block
11th January 2023
whg has announced plans to convert its Willenhall office into apartments as part of a wider regeneration programme.
The leading Midlands’ landlord has submitted plans to Walsall Council to transform Beechwood House, on New Road, into 14 new homes.
The redevelopment is proposed to include nine one bed and five three bed apartments for rent. whg is currently exploring energy efficiency measures for the scheme with the aim of achieving net zero carbon.
Beechwood House, which closed its doors at Christmas, is just one of a number of sites whg is looking to redevelop with the aim of maximising its disused assets to create more affordable homes. The housing association is currently working on seven of its former garage sites across Walsall to deliver 20 new three bed houses for affordable rent, with hundreds of others identified as potential locations for new homes.
Lisa Wallis, Corporate Director of People and Learning, said: “We are committed to always assessing our carbon footprint and environmental impact and use our workspaces in a way that is efficient and sustainable.
“After centralising all our operations at our Hatherton Street office, Beechwood House is no longer required and can be put to better use to support housing need within the borough.
“This is a really exciting opportunity for us to put our surplus corporate real estate to not only practical use but for us to create high social impact at the same time. Creating innovative, affordable homes will be good for the community, the environment and will help us achieve net zero carbon.”