Community Housing Officers

Our Community Housing Officers are here to get to know you and your neighbours, and highlight all the services that can benefit you.

Supporting you in your community

Each of our areas has a dedicated Community Housing Officer (CHO), who works out and about on your estate and know all the services that can benefit you. Your CHO is your main point of contact.

Your CHO can:

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Provide guidance on any housing or tenancy issues
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Deal with any tenancy changes or changes in your circumstances
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Refer you to other services offered by us
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Connect you with local services such as community centres, local groups and specialist agencies
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Work with you to find out what you want to achieve and help you decide how to get there
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Offer advice on how you can work with your neighbours to resolve issues promptly


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Why do you have Community Housing Officers?
When it comes to your home, we understand that not everything can be done over the phone or online. We want your Community Housing Officer to be another point of contact for you and your neighbours, when you need it. We hope this personal approach will help us to continue building strong relationships with all our customers wherever you live.
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How can my Community Housing Officer help me?
Perhaps you have a housing or personal issue and you’re not sure who to contact or how we can help? Our dedicated team will work with you to understand your current challenge and how best you can resolve it. It doesn’t always have to be a challenge either, perhaps you have an idea that would benefit you and your neighbours? Whatever it is, reach out and let them know.
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Who is my local Community Housing Officer?
The best way to find your Community Housing Officer is to contact customer services with your address on 0300 555 6666.
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My bin hasn’t been collected. Who do I report it to?
Bin collections are the responsibility of your local authority. If your bin was missed you will need to contact them. If you have a communal bin which has not been collected because it is overflowing you can contact us.
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Who do I talk to about a problem with parking?
If you have an issue with parking on whg land you can contact us on 0300 555 666. If you are concerned about parking on a public road you will need to contact your local council.
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How do I report antisocial behaviour?
Report it to us using our reporting tool online. Simply sign in or sign up and go to ‘My neighbourhood’. Or you can report ASB to us on 0300 555 6666. If you believe a crime is being committed, or if you have been threatened or assaulted please report it to the police immediately. In an emergency call 999 or non-emergency call 101.
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How can I get involved in more whg community activities?
You can see our calendar of events, which provide all kinds of opportunities, here. Or, if you have any ideas for an activity in your community, please email us at
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How do I give feedback or make a complaint?
If things haven’t gone as you expected or you’re unhappy with something we did, please let us know. We’ll work with you to understand what happened and do our best to put it right. You can do this by filling in our feedback form.