Homes for Ukraine government scheme

  • 7th April 2022

  • Customers

Following the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, a number of our customers have been in touch about taking part in the government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme. If this is something you are interested in here is what you need to know.

First step

Currently, the government scheme is only accepting visa applications from Ukrainian applicants who have a named person in the UK willing to sponsor them. People or organisations wanting to be sponsors who do not have a named individual to sponsor can record their interest in being a sponsor. They will then be kept updated by the government as the scheme develops.

If you know someone in Ukraine

If you have a Ukrainian contact you have agreed to sponsor please get in touch to let us know. Just as we expect customers to ask permission for lodgers, the same applies to the Homes for Ukraine scheme. We won’t refuse permission for no reason, so if you’re considering the Homes for Ukraine scheme, please give your Community Housing Officer a call to find out more about the process.

If you are expressing interest in hosting 

If you have recorded your interest and don’t yet know someone to sponsor please still contact your Community Housing Officer. We’re updating our guidance for Community Housing Officers regarding the scheme, to allow an ‘agreement in principle’ based on home size/tenancy, with the final consent once the proposed occupants are known.

If you haven’t spoken to your Community Housing Officer before, please contact us and we will put you in touch.

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