Money and bills

Money worries can be scary to tackle on your own, and sometimes it is hard to know where to start. That’s why our team of qualified experts are here and ready to help you.

What support can I get?

Whether you need support with your money or just need a little advice, there are many ways we can help you.

Our friendly, expert team can help with:

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Maximising your income
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Debt management and crisis help
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Benefits claims and advice
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Money management and budgeting

Confidential, professional and free advice

Our professional and confidential service is available free of charge to all customers. We are proud to be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and will be with you every step of the way.

Walsall Community Shop

Walsall Community Shops

The first community shop at the Stan Ball Centre in Bloxwich, supported by Walsall Council, provides an array of food and everyday necessities like personal care items, pet supplies and household cleaning materials at greatly reduced prices.

Many areas have community shops for local residents, check your local council’s website for more information.

Struggling to pay your bills?

It can be difficult to manage all the different bills and payments in our lives. The consequences of missing some types of bills can be more serious than if you fall behind on others.

The ‘Bill prioritiser’ can help you put your bills and payments in the right order. If you’re struggling to pay – whether it’s your rent, your mobile phone bill or loan repayments – it will tell you in two easy steps what to do before you miss a payment.

Customer story

“When I stopped working my rent arrears and other debts increased and I was really struggling with money. The team prepared me a personal debt solution, which stopped legal action and helped me clear some of my debts.”

Andrew, whg customer
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Worried about money?

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with our range of support and advice. You can also pop into our office at Hatherton Street or call us on 0300 555 6666.

A member of the money advice team will get back to you within 5 working days, or sooner if there is an urgent issue.