We want our communities to be long-lasting and to flourish. Our sustainability efforts are at the heart of this and a core guiding principal for how we operate.
Certified sustainable housing
We are among the first in the UK to be certified as a sustainable housing provider by global consultancy RITTERWALD.
The certification recognises our commitment to making a positive environmental and social impact.
Our Sustainability Strategy
We want to be a positive influence – on our customers, our local communities, our colleagues, our partners and our industry peers.
Our Sustainability Strategy 2023 – 2025 sets out our ambition and our action plan to deliver this.
It brings together the Environmental, Social and Governance areas of whg in a cohesive way that embeds sustainability across everything we do. This strategy is aligned with, and supports delivery of, our other key business strategies.
Environmental: transforming our places to be fit for the future
We will make our homes better for the environment and prepare them for the impacts of climate change.
This will involve decarbonising our homes, reducing our carbon emissions and energy use, managing our green spaces to enhance biodiversity and adopting circular economic principles.
Social: inspiring our people and influencing our communities
Customers will be at the centre of our thinking and will guide our approach.
We will invest time and money in becoming a Carbon Literate organisation and will use apprenticeships to develop green jobs for local people.
We will talk about sustainability in a meaningful way and will equip people with the knowledge and opportunity to make the right decisions for them, their community and the environment.
Governance: meeting sustainability standards and strengthening regulatory compliance
We will hold ourselves to the highest standards of sustainability.
We will ensure our homes meet all regulatory requirements, embed sustainable considerations into our supply chain and ensure sustainability is a part of finance decision making.
Net zero by 2050
We care about our people and the planet. By 2050 we will reduce our carbon emissions to net zero so our communities can be happy, healthy and sustainable places for generations to come.