Swap your home
If you rent a home with us and would like to move, the quickest and easiest way is to swap your home with someone else. This is called a mutual exchange.
About mutual exchange
A mutual exchange is when you swap your rented home with someone else who lives in a house owned by a council or housing association. It can be the fastest and easiest way to find a property better suited to your needs if you are not in urgent need of housing and means you will not have to wait for months, or even years, on a housing list.
The benefits of mutual exchange
We have signed up to the nationwide mutual exchange scheme HomeSwapper, which means our customers can use the service for free. HomeSwapper will help you search for possible swaps, get in touch with other tenants and arrange viewings until you find the perfect new home. It’s an easy-to-use service, with a free app to download and lots of help and support.
How to swap your home
1) Register for HomeSwapper and start looking for homes you might like.
2) When you’ve found a possible swap, fix a date to visit and see if it’s right for you.
3) Confirm your swap.
4) Once you find a swap you must seek our permission. To do this, complete our mutual exchange form. We will let you know within 42 days whether we will approve your application.
5) Move into your new home!
What is a mutual exchange?
Why should I use HomeSwapper?
How do I join HomeSwapper?
Go to the HomeSwapper website and click ‘register’.
Then follow the simple steps to complete your registration.
The service is completely free for whg customers, although we will need to approve your application before you have full access.
If you can fill in as much information as possible about your home and the home you are looking for, the system will be able to match you with your ideal properties automatically.
Can I swap my home?
- You aren’t in debt with your rent
- The other person’s landlord is happy for the exchange to happen
- You aren’t moving to a property where you will be overcrowded or have more space than you need
- You get our permission in writing and there is no ongoing legal action relating to your tenancy (eg) a Possession Order or injunction
Do I have to pay for HomeSwapper?
Do I have to swap in my local area?
Do I need permission to swap my home?
How long does a home swap take?
I need to move urgently. Can I exchange and then get permission?
What if my new home is not in a good condition?
Who can I swap my home with?
- A whg customer
- A customer of another registered social landlord (usually a housing association)
- Someone who lives in a council-owned and managed home.