whg receives funding boost to upgrade heating
2nd October 2023

Hundreds of whg customers will benefit from more efficient heating and warmer homes following government funding given to the organisation.
whg has been awarded a share of £13.9million in the first round of funding in the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme.
The leading Midlands’ landlord will use their £51,000 grant to review the performance of heating systems at Humphries House, Austin House, and St Anne’s.
It’s hoped the recommended efficiency improvements will allow the business to improve operational efficiency and make homes more comfortable for almost 400 customers.
Mark Bird, energy efficiency manager at whg, said: “We’re delighted to have been awarded this grant which will support our work to ensure customers’ homes are warm and energy efficient.
“The funding from the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme will enable us to identify areas which can be improved to increase system efficiency, reliability and reduce running costs, leading to a better service for our customers.”
Louise Singleton, Principal Consultant at Gemserv, added: “It’s great to share that whg is one of the beneficiaries of the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme.
“Funding provided will help whg to realise the changes needed to improve heating affordability for residents and will go on to demonstrate the positive impact data-driven interventions can have on existing heat networks.”
The Heat Network Efficiency Scheme was launched in February 2023 by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero with the aim of improving old and inefficient heat network infrastructure.